Taking to his twitter-turned X account, Celebrated Ugandan Comedian Patrick Salvador wrote,
‘As a parent of a child at KPS, I must say I’m not surprised at the reasoning of some of these so called parents, I’ve left most of the KPS parents groups I was added in bse of the shallowness in thinking of many parents. All I can say is KPS is doing something commendable … these so called woke parents are woke for the wrong reasons. I’ve never seen any post from concerned parents about the state of the roads leading to KPS … we are a bunch on weak parents …’
This was after this trended on social media.

I think every body is entitled to feel how they do, the parent has a point and those sponsoring the Ghetto Kids have a point as well , so instead of us criticising him or her let’s find out, probably they are seeing an influenced behavioral change of their kid due to interaction

You can have a point over a scholarship, the reasoning behind that parent is just sheer selfishness, if they don’t feel happy with the schools admission policy let them take their kids elsewhere, I would actually be very proud to have my son sit next to Gudo and get to learn the… Show more

Dear #KPS did u know u pay taxes and government sponsors students at University on our hard earned taxes? Stay a parent let the school do it’s job. #LwasaEvents