Samantha Unmasks a HemoSave Device, an Innovative Solution to detect Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) in LMICs

By Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa/Umoja Standard.

Kampala, Uganda: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide. In Uganda, PPH accounts for a significant proportion of maternal deaths. The HemoSave project, led by Samantha Keshara, a Makerere University Biomedical Engineering graduate, aims to address this issue by developing a low cost device to quantify maternal blood loss in real-time during Caesarean sections with a focus on LMICs.

Postpartum hemorrhage is a severe complication of childbirth that can lead to maternal mortality if not managed promptly. In Uganda, PPH is a significant public health concern, accounting for a substantial proportion of maternal deaths.

The HemoSave project was conceived during Duke-Makerere Design Summer Program, an exchange program between the Makerere University Biomedical Engineering Unit, Uganda and Duke University, USA. The team observed the challenges faced by the Ugandan healthcare system, including the detection and management of PPH.

The team noted that healthcare workers rely on visual estimation  to measure blood loss which was inaccurate and this led to over or under estimation, delayed interventions and treatment which contributed to maternal mortality.

“…we went to several hospitals, including Kawempe National Referral Hospital where we attended both normal births and C-sections but one of the most triggering things was that women were losing a lot of blood all-over the bed, cloths and even the floor.

According to Samantha, the primary objective is to develop a device that can accurately quantify maternal blood loss in real-time. The device aims to provide healthcare providers with a reliable tool for accurately measuring blood lost, enabling timely interventions and treatment to prevent maternal mortality.

Led by Samantha, the HemoSave team employed a user-centered design approach to develop the device. The team conducted interviews with healthcare providers and observed the current practices in managing PPH. The team then designed and developed a prototype of the device, which was tested and refined based on feedback from healthcare providers.

The HemoSave device is a portable, low-cost solution that can accurately quantify maternal blood loss in real-time. The device uses a combination of sensors and algorithms to estimate blood loss, supplying healthcare providers with a reliable tool for managing PPH.

Samantha Keshara and team at the US Conference/Courtesy Photo.

The HemoSave project demonstrates the potential of innovative solutions to address public health challenges. It also highlights the importance of user-centered design approaches in developing solutions that meet the needs of healthcare providers.

The HemoSave project is ongoing, and the team is currently refining the device based on feedback from healthcare providers. The team plans to conduct further testing and evaluation of the device to ensure its safety and efficacy. They plan to explore opportunities for scaling up the device and making it available to healthcare providers in Uganda and other low-resource settings.

Samantha noted that, after the program, the HemoSave project team continued to apply for several grants as a group, both in Uganda and also international grants. “We applied for the Innovation Consortium last year which earned us the third place and also presented at the Joint Annual Scientific Conference in Uganda while continuing to get feedback from the doctors. These have s helped us improve our prototype, as we got feedback that we should incorporate sponge measurement. It has enabled us to understand the feedback from the end users and how it can actually help, and also improve our design.”

The VentureWell E-Team pioneer Program selected the HemoSave project team where they attended a two-day workshop in Baltimore-Maryland, USA. VentureWell, an organization that funds student-led projects, hosted a workshop in the US for innovators to learn entrepreneurship skills. The workshop, which included a $5,000 grant, aimed to help teams identify customers and develop business models.

Samantha admits that, as a team, they learned to distinguish between customers and end-users and different stakeholders in the Med-tech Ecosystem, navigate markets, and commercialize products. The workshop also covered funding strategies and identifying potential investors.

The goal is to translate innovations into commercial successes, enabling innovators to bring their innovations a step closer to  the end-user.

Samantha heaps praise to Makerere University Biomedical Engineering Unit (MakBME), for the relentless support on the HemoSave project and providing a platform that supports student to innovate through different channels i.e. the course curriculum and these collaborations.

She also acknowledges the team Haasini Nandyala (Uganda), Joel Mugabo (Uganda), James Bradley (USA), Desmond Boateng (USA) and Mohamed Farah (USA).  I cannot forget the unwavering support from our Mentors and advisors Dr. Ann Saterbak from Duke University and Dr. Robert Ssekitoleko  from Makerere University who have been instrumental through this journey.

In a special way, I want extend my heartfelt gratitude to one of our mentors, the late Mugaga Julius MHSRIP, whose unwavering support and guidance remain an integral part of this journey.

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