Kampala Creme, a reality TV show featuring the dazzling quartet of Etania, Baby Gloria, Zahara Totto, and Mami Deb premiered on 14th January 2024. It has since entertained Ugandans with the boujee and the drama, giving a platform for the cast to showcase their lifestyles
Despite all the renowned figures on the show pulling their weight, Mami Deb and Baby Gloria’s on-and-off friendship has been a highlight for many viewers.
When asked if she is real friends with some of the members of the cast of the show via Snapchat, Baby Gloria replied quite negatively.
She highlighted how the show “is fake” and that “most of the things are scripted”, something she cannot stand.
The singer and brand influencer further said that she had been instructed to cry at some points of the show before dropping the bomb about leaving the show.
The 22-year-old maintained that she had no business being on a show where she had even been told to lie about her life.
“I could fake tears but I couldn’t fake my story,” she noted on her Snapchat on Monday. Official communication about the developments is yet to be made by the Kampala Creme channels.