Physical activity helps in preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

By John Kusolo

Lutamaguzi Emma Bakojja, the Executive Director of the Hepatitis Aid Organization in Uganda, is not only a dedicated advocate but also someone who lives positively with hepatitis B. As a nationalist, he joins his fellow Ugandans in celebrating the annual day of physical activity, recognizing the significant role it plays in fighting non-communicable diseases, including cancer. Lutamaguzi highlights the connection between hepatitis B and C, which are leading causes of liver cancer, emphasizing the importance of exercise for individuals living with cancer or hepatitis.

He made the remarks during the National Physical Activity day held on 18th June 2023 at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds organised by the Ministry of Health and other partners.

According to Lutamaguzi, engaging in regular physical activity is crucial for those living with cancer or hepatitis. He believes that the Hepatitis Aid Organization in Uganda has a responsibility to convey a message to the rest of the world: through exercise, even if it’s not rigorous, individuals can maintain their health, fitness, and vitality. He firmly believes that taking charge of one’s health and incorporating physical activity into daily life is a personal responsibility that should not be neglected.

Lutamaguzi acknowledges that many people find it challenging to maintain regular physical activity due to busy schedules. He understands that consistency can be difficult, requiring a special kind of love and dedication for what one is doing. He emphasizes that while physical activity does take time, it is essential to prioritize and make time for it.

In terms of perceived financial barriers, Lutamaguzi challenges the notion that physical activity requires a budget. He provides practical advice, suggesting simple and affordable ways to engage in exercise. For instance, he recommends purchasing a rope for skipping, jogging within and around one’s compound, buying a physical activity CD, or accessing exercise programs on TV or YouTube. These options can provide tips and guidance for physical activity without incurring significant costs.

Lutamaguzi’s intention is to empower individuals, particularly those living with hepatitis or cancer, to recognize that they can take control of their health through physical activity, regardless of financial constraints. He believes that with a proactive mindset and a commitment to personal well-being, everyone can find ways to incorporate exercise into their daily routines.

As the Executive Director of the Hepatitis Aid Organization, Lutamaguzi strives to inspire and educate individuals about the benefits of physical activity in maintaining overall health and well-being. By promoting the message that exercise is accessible and can be integrated into daily life without requiring excessive resources, he hopes to empower individuals to prioritize their health and adopt a more active lifestyle.

The Ministry of health in partnership with Uganda Non Communicable Diseases Alliance (UNCDA)  Inaugurated  the National Physical Activity Day (NPAD)  under the theme “Be Physically Active, Be Healthy” to inform the population about the importance of physical activity, its relevance in preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and keeping healthy.

Being physically inactive is a major risk factor for developing NCDs such as cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes. Insufficient physical activity is one of the leading risk factors for global mortality and is on the rise in many countries, adding to the burden of NCDs and affecting general health worldwide. People who are insufficiently active have a 20% to 30% increased risk of death compared to people who are sufficiently active.

Some of the benefits of physical activity include;

  1. Improved cardio-respiratory and muscular fitness
  2. Improved bone & functional health
  3. Reduced risks of suffering from; hypertension, stroke, coronary heart disease, depression, breast and colon cancer.
  4. Reduced risks of falls and vertebral or hip fractures
  5. Better weight control and energy balance.

The aim is to leverage the National campaign against physical inactivity as one of the major risks to heart health and NCDs in Uganda, raise awareness on being physically fit and recognize national efforts to control NCDs.

During the National Physical Activity Day (NPAD) Uganda NCD Alliance managed to carry out screening for the 3 major NCDs –diabetes, Cancer, Cardiovascular disease

Advocate for the development and implementation of physical activity and practice in Uganda

Create increased understanding and awareness about NCDs through a NCDs communication strategy.

Provide a comprehensive Patient support package for people living with NCDs.

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