Celebrated Ugandan journalist Julius Bukyana named IGAD( ICEPCVE)  Peace Ambasador

NEWS: It’s  been a good year for Ugandan celebrated journalist Julius Bukyana, year began with a huge appointment to lift the brand Victoria University as a corporate and public affairs manager.

this week, the hunky dude after an intense training on preventing and countering violent extremism on digital spaces by the inter-government agency on development ( IGAD) in Mombasa kenya was appointed a Peace ambassador on ending violent extremism in the region.

Bukyana is pursuing a masters in international relations and diplomacy and when contacted he said, “ this is a calling in the right direction, diplomacy is one of my many passions and I will serve diligently” bukyana reaffirmed.

As a news website we congratulate our own scribe for this milestone.  Go make journalism shine through diplomacy.

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