Ugandan Riders cheer at the launch of new MAK Oil in the City

By Umoja Standard Repoerter.

Industrial Area: Mumbai Bharat Oil Corporation Limited from India has launched a new oil brand known as MAK Lubricant.

The launchers say the oil is very different from other oils on the market in Uganda based on the way it is processed.
Santosh Kumar, CEO of MAK lubricant, says “this lubricant eliminates stickiness,sealing and rattling”,
added that the cream is free of chlorinated solvents, colorless and odorless. All features enhance the performance of these vehicles.
Santosh Kumar, CEO of MAK lubricant. Photo by Umoja Standard Reporter.
Santosh urged cyclists to adopt Mak products as the aim of MAK Lube is to provide cyclists with performance lubricants that deliver exceptional performance.
The motorcyclists who have tried the oil say it is very valuable and they are always looking for an oil that can work well in their bikes safely and they thank Bharat for saving them and bringing this type of oil.
However, those who have tested him for the first time are waiting to see if what they say about him is true.

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