Homosexuality is abominable, lets jointly fight it, says Mr. Ssentayi- LCV Chairman Kakumiro

By Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa/Umoja Standard.

Kakumiro, Uganda: Speaking at the burial of Mzee Charles Nzabakurana Muburizi on Tuesday in Rwentuha cell, Kisiita Sub County, Bugangaizi East Constituency in Kakumiro District, Mr. Joseph Ssentayi Ssenkusu, the Chairperson of the district rallied residents to be vigilant when it comes to fighting homosexuality. In the same way asked leaders to use their platform to shun this vice.

“My people of Kakumiro District, Let’s stand together to fight homosexuality. To all leaders, I call upon you not to accept any money from homosexuals such that we can safeguard our country not to be abominable”. Said Mr. Ssentayi.

He said that it is a war spearheaded by money therefore it is not an easy war but we should use our conscience.

“It is not easy to win a war where money is at the forefront but let us all say no to homosexuality in Uganda especially Kakumiro District”. Said Ssentayi.

This is not an obligation of only Members of Parliament (MPs) but it is for all Ugandans.

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