Governor Emmanuel Adil commissions 3 Projects in Lainya County in bids for Peace

By Metedeo Iceta.
Kajo-Keji County, South Sudan: H.E Emmanuel Adil, the governor of Central Equatorial State appreciated the commissioner Hon. Emmanuel khamis Richard and the people of Lainya County for hard work.
“Am grateful to witness this great achievement today and congratulations to the people of Lainya County and the commissioner plus the peace partners.Am urging our brothers and sisters in the bush to come home and denounce violence because war will not bring great achievement like what we witness today”
Mr Adil also called for tolerance from the affected communities by the armed cattle keepers. “Let’s be patience soon this insecurity caused by the armed cattle keepers will come to an end.
We are working hard to restore peace for the sake of our Country and we shall achieve it one day South Sudan will not the way we are seeing it”, Mr Adil said.
Mr Emmanuel Khamis Richard the Commissioner of Lainya County also appreciated the citizens of Lainya County and the peace partners.
“Today am happy to witness this great day in my life because of you the people of Lainya County and the peace partners plus our state government and am requesting my brothers in the bush to come and join peace so that our people may get ever lasting peace”, Khamis said.
The three developmental projects are C. Court in Lainya payam, Police Head quarter in kupara payam, this two projects supported by UNMISS while women maternity word supported by UNHCR and the community in Kupara payam.
Mr Joseph Mawa John, the Commissioner Morobo County on 18/2/2023 has hand over the Grindmil requested by Payam director of Lujule from County authority to provide them with a grindmil which will give opportunity of stopping of the harrsemt and raping of women of Lujule Payam on their process of taking their maize, sorghum, milt and cassava for grinding in Karagba Democratic Republic of Congo by criminal group who used to attack women on the way and looting their properties.
“We have had the out cry of our women in this Payam concerning sexual harassment by people believed to criminal.This Grindmil machines will prevent such attacks to young girls and women and we are going to workout those people who gives life hard to ou people we need peace to return to South Sudan”, Mr Mawa said.

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