OVERTURN as Pastor Kayanja intends to sue NDA over defamation

Kampala, Uganda: Robert Kayanja-the Miracle Centre Cathedral senior pastor has threatened to sue National Drug Authority  (NDA) and Abiaz Rwamizi,  the Authority spokesperson over defamation.

Pastor Kayanja through his lawyers Katende, Ssempebwa and Co. Advocates (KATS), the pastor has given Rwamiri 72 hours to withdraw a tweet in which he revealed that the pastor promotes a fake acaricide dubbed ‘Tickoff’ which contains outdated dangerous chemicals to livestock and humans.

The lawyers say Rwamiri’s tweet damages their client’s reputation as a senior citizen with international relations.

In a statement released on Tuesday, NDA said the chemicals  were being mixed with animal feeds and mukene (silver fish) before being packaged without any expiry date, ingredients information or caution  to users.

NDA further said Pastor Kayanja used his position to lure desperate farmers and that his intention was not only criminal but also intended to cheat Ugandans.

However, Pastor Kayanja yesterday denied any wrongdoing.

“I don’t know the lab they used to test our products. We have no mukene in our product. Our product is organic and we insist that every component there is designed from organ items,” he said.

Below is the notice to sue;

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