“Cultural norms, a biggest contributor to GBV in Ugandan Communities”- GLS’ Harriet cites

By Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa/ Umoja Standard.

Kampala, Uganda: Harriet Mukajambo- the Executive Director of Global Learning for Sustainability stressed that the way society views women at all levels matters and everything that happens to them is a reflection of what they are taken to be.

She believed that if women and men would have equal share of even those small household chores like cooking looking after children, washing which is directed to women by society, ‘we can change attitude and have a world where both genders see themselves as equals and can-do similar things.

Harriet Mukajambo- Executive Director of Global Learning for Sustainability (GLS) speaks to community members using community radio. Photo by julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

This she revealed on Tuesday during an outreach to Kabowa Central Cell in Wankulukuku mobilizing the community on the importance of shared responsibilities between girls and boys in homes as part of #16DaysofActivism2022 under the motion “Should boys and girls take equal share of household chores and responsibilities to eliminate Violence Against Women?”.

“We are all meant to excel and have potential to do anything not to be confined in household chores, not just having political spaces occupied by men only. This session therefore helps us to identify experiences of women at family level and how men are contributing to the environment that is promoting women equality/women making decision that matter to them”. Said Ms. Mukajambo.

Kabowa Central Cell leadership is seen holding placards with a message of ending violence. Photo by Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

Harriet mentioned that decided to take activism to Kabowa Central because it is highly populated with diverse culture with sexual exploitation and gender-based violence issues due to the nature of businesses there.

“Hearing from such communities tell what policies should be focused on and what government should do to empower women and men equally and this starts from vulnerable communities like this if the vice is to be done away with”. Ms. Mukajambo.

The chairman of Kabowa Central LC 1 Cell Mr. Ssenfuma James told this website that the topic of sharing responsibilities between boys and girls in homesteads is very pertinent as this will help raise a better nation with no violence and respect of all genders.

Mr. Ssenfuma James, Chairman- Kabowa Central Cell, Wakulukuku addresses the community. Photo by julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

He revealed that his office has severally received cases of domestic violence and most of them connected to who should take up certain responsibilities and so advised that it is vital to understand that both sexes can complement each other to avert this.

He advised couples in his Cell and neighboring ones to always have mutual understanding as and when issues arise in order to go about them amicably.

Ainembazi Gift- one of the mothers who attended the session by Global Learning for sustainability (GLS) exposed that ‘at my home, all children share responsibilities regardless of their sex, if one lits fire another collects water. I do this to provide a generation that is sustainable even when I would cease to live’.

Ainembazi Gift- one of the mothers in Kabowa Central LC1 shares her experience back home.

She said this maintains friendship amongst children as they work grow up knowing that they are equal though some society looks at it as not deserving.

She mentioned that absence of this culture has sparked off misbehavior amongst boys as most of them ignore doing certain work deeming it for women/girls and end up indulging into theft and robbery and eventually end up in prisons.

To Natuhwera Bernard- the Publicity Secretary of Kabowa Central Cell stressed in modern times, work is equally shared between all genders citing an example of Ugandan girls doing jobs similar to those of men abroad and boys cleaning/sweeping the City in Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) yet society regards it for girls/women.

Natuhwera Bernard- the Publicity Secretary of Kabowa Central Cell advises boys on gender roles. Photo by julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa.

Bernard says it is better that parents train all activities to both children as the world is now dynamic that there is no limitation at work as well it will help them have a deserving future if well equipped.

Global Learning for Sustainability is an implementing partner of the She Leads programme in the districts of Kampala and Wakiso. It is a girls and young women-led organization addressing Sustainable Development Goals 4,5 & 13 through diversity and Inclusion strategies in their programs, policies and practices.

Their mission is to support and ensure that young people especially girls and young women have opportunities to acquire global skills, learn from one another and work together to solve common global challenges.

As part of the discussion, GLS aimed documenting girls/women’s experiences on gender roles assigned to them by society and how they impact on the leadership aspirations at family, community and beyond and to have boys/men’s opinions on gender roles and how they can transform gender norms at family, community level and beyond.

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