SDA Church Uganda, to install 7th President on Sabbath

By Charles Katabalwa/ Umoja Standard.

Kampala, Uganda: The Seventh-Day Adventist Church new Arch Bishop Pr. Dr. Maka Moses Ndimukika to be installed on Sabbath 26th November 2022 at Najjanankubi Adventist church followers urged to pray for him to save the people of God.

While addressing journalists at Najjanankubi Adventist church Pastor Samuel Kajoba the Bishop of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in central Uganda said that installation ceremony comes at the difficult time when the country is experiencing Ebola and COVID-19 pandemic but they are going to use ministry of health guidelines to make it and few guest and followers have been invited to Grace the occasion.

” Dr.Maka is the 7th president of Uganda Union Mission of seventh -day Adventist Church and is going to take from Pastor Matte Daniel currently the Archbishop of SDA ” said Kajoba

(L-R) Eleder Steven Kabuye)Middle(Pastor Samwel Kajoba the SDA Bishop Central Uganda) R (pastor Rogers Kagwa ,head of communications at SDA church. Photo by  Charles Katabalwa.

“His term is going to be for 3 years instead of the usual 5 years because the first 2 were affected by COVID-19 so the elections didn’t happen and as a result he will serve for 3 years before we the church set another election ” he adds.

He has disclosed that president Museveni is expected to be Chief Guest and other religious and political leaders.

“Pr. Dr. Maka was elected with his fellow leaders know as officers namely; Pr. William Bagambe the executive Secretary and Elder Frank Kiggundu the Executive Treasurer” he revealed.

Important to note.

Ordained Minister of the SDA Church, has served the Church for 27 years, since 1995.

Has served as Church Pastor of Jinja, and District Leader of Iganga.

Theology Lecturer, Bugema University.

Principal and Director, Bugema University, Kampala Campus.

Executive Secretary, Uganda Union, and President.

Educational Background.

PhD, Theology, Sahmyook University, Seoul, Korea

MA Theology, Newbold College, England

BTh, Spicer Adventist University, India

Bugema Adventist Secondary School, Kampala.

Family Background 

He is married to Janet Kanyana Banina.

He has four biological children: Blessious, Precious, Princeton, and Blessing.

Was born on 13th June, 1968 to  Erizephan Ndimukika, and Louisa Tibalwa Ndimukika.

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