StrongMinds Uganda to step up interventions in treating Ugandans struggling with depression

By Julius Mugaga Tukacungurwa/Umoja standard.

Kalerwe, Kampala-Uganda: Charllotte Oloya the Head Communication and Advocacy at Strong Minds Uganda revealed that over 14 million Ugandans are living with mental health problems which is so worrying to the economy.

She noted that the worrying statistics are fueled by many factors for example stressful events like broken of relationships, others can be personality, family history, giving birth, loneliness, Alcohol and drugs, illness, losses in business, losing loved ones and other that end up causing depression amongst the population.

She said that as Strong Minds Uganda they have been able to manage over 120,000 related cases in women and men, 12, 000 adolescents and for this year alone they have treated 55,000 men and women ted a need to step up interventions and have the problem dealt with.

Oloya made this revelation during organization’s outreach for a day long counselling service to traders of Kalerwe market aiming at rekindling their hope as part of activities embedded in celebration of World Mental Health Day, 2022 on Monday.

She highlighted that they chose Kalerwe market because of many challenges traders go through while running business say capital loss, loan burden which may all contribute to depression.

Important to note.

This year’s theme is “Make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority”.

StrongMinds Uganda is a non-profit making organization providing free group talk therapy to low-income women and adolescents with depression.

They scale their reach through peer-to-peer therapy, teletherapy, public education, and partnerships.

StrongMinds also offers free counselling services using a toll-free number of *252*10#.

Depression is brought about by a group of conditions associated with the elevation or lowering of a person’s mood, such as depression or bipolar disorder, however, the latter is treatable.

She noted that mental health challenges deter growth of any economy as the population will not concentrate on any productive avenue.

“When one’s mind is not stable, he/she will not be able to concentrate say on business, children and other economic activities and in the end the economy will heavily be impacted”. Said Oloya.

She mentioned that they are targeting to manage over 2 million depression cases amongst the population across Africa by 2030.

Madinah Nanyanzi a beneficiary of Strong Minds Uganda services narrated that she went through a lot after divorcing her husband with two children before being picked up and initiated to counselling services.

She stated that little did she know that life could revert to normal.

Nanyanzi informed that when she was enrolled to counselling services, her hope was slowly rekindled that she started thinking normally, ending up with a small stall that has now grown to produce a boutique in her name.

She revealed that is now empowered to give the same service she received to other mothers and young girls which is now registering success.

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